HLTFSE007 - Oversee the day-to-day implementation of food safety in the workplace

The course applies to individuals who work are required to supervise the day-to-day implementation of the food safety program across the entire organisation, process or food handling area. This unit applies to workers who supervise others to implement the requirements of the food safety plan. This course is particularly designed for workers that supervise food preparation and meal distribution to vulnerable people such as the elderly, children and babies, pregnant women, people with medication conditions, immune deficiencies and/or allergies primarily. 

The course applies to individuals who are required to supervise the day-to-day implementation of the food safety program across the entire organisation, process or food handling area. This unit applies to workers who supervise others to implement the requirements of the food safety plan. This course is particularly designed for workers that supervise food preparation and meal distribution to vulnerable people such as the elderly, children and babies, pregnant women, people with medication conditions, immune deficiencies and/or allergies primarily.

These staff often work in Early Childhood, Aged Care, Disability Support, Respite Care, Community and Home Care, Meals on Wheels, Maternity hospitals, Psychiatric hospitals, Same day establishments for chemotherapy and rental dialysis services and Hospital Catering. The legislation states:

Food businesses that process or serve potentially hazardous food for hospital patients, aged care recipients, children in child care centres and vulnerable people receiving other services will generally fall within the requirements of this Standard, provided the food is intended for six or more vulnerable persons. This Standard also applies to delivered meals organisations that process potentially hazardous meals intended for six or more vulnerable persons.”

This course provides the skills and knowledge to control food safety in the workplace and support colleagues to implement the food safety program in their roles. It covers developing, revising and implementing procedures to support food safety control and prevent further breaches. Students will also learn to respond to and prevent food safety breaches as well as investigate actual and potential non-conformance and complaints from clients relating to food safety and meet reporting requirements.

This is one of three units of competency that make up the food safety supervisor qualification in the Health & Community sector. This unit of competency stands alone and incorporates the content of the following unit:

  • HLTFSE007 Oversee the day-to-day implementation of food safety in the workplace

Please note: This is one of three units of competency that make up the food safety supervisor qualification in the Health and Community sector. Please note, this course has been designed for people who have already completed HLTFSE001 Follow basic food safety practices (Level 1 Food Handlers course) and HLTFSE005 Apply and monitor food safety requirements. Whilst HLTFSE001 and HLTFSE005 are not pre-requisites, it is strongly recommended that you complete these units prior to commencing this unit.  Some basic food safety content from HLTFSE001 and HLTFSE005 will not be covered in detail in this unit. If you have not completed HLTFSE001 and/ or HLTFSE005, you may like to consider completing HLTSS00061 Food safety supervision skill set – for community and health industries which includes the following units, HLTFSE001, HLTFSE005 and HLTFSE007.

Please note: If your role does not involve working with vulnerable people but you are required to complete a Food Handler or Food Safety Supervisor course, the following units may be more applicable to your needs:

  • SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety (Level 1 Food Safety Course)
  • SITXFSA006 Practice in safe food handling practices

Units Delivered

The following units will be included in your certificate:

HLTFSE007 - Oversee the day-to-day implementation of food safety in the workplace

Course Delivery

This course can be delivered/assessed in the workplace or at facility organised by the training provider.

Course Durations

Course durations can vary for multiple reasons, so the durations below are the minimum possible amount.

Refresher Face to Face contact time of at least 4 Hours
Face-to-Face Face to Face contact time of at least 6 Hours 20 Mins
Online with face-to-face assessment Face to Face contact time of at least 1 Hour 30 Mins

An individual undertaking this course with Allens Training Pty Ltd will need to demonstrate the following to be eligible for entry:

  • Physical capability to be able to meet the demands of the practical demonstration skills
  • Visual acuity to identify food hazards as well as clean and sanitise equipment and materials
  • Follow personal hygiene requirements including wearing appropriate flat, enclosed, rubber soled shoes for comfort and safety, long hair should be tied back and all unnecessary jewellery removed.

Please note: If your role does not involve working with vulnerable people but you are required to complete a Food Handler or Food Safety Supervisor course, the following units may be more applicable to your needs:

  • SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety
  • SITXFSA006 Practice in safe food handling practices

Online study options:  The online learning program can be found in the student portal. Students must have access to a computer, smart phone, tablet or other electronic device with access to the internet to complete the online studies and practical assessment.

Individuals undertaking this course will be expected to complete both written and practical assessment tasks.

This certificate does not require renewal

Please note that enrolment to this course is made with Allens Training Pty Ltd RTO 90909. Please refer to the student handbook located on the RTO website allenstraining.com.au (https://allenstraining.com.au/students/student-handbook) for all details relating to rights and responsibilities including complaints and appeals.

Performance tasks:

  • Communicate food safety requirements to two (2) new employees
  • Identify two (2) food safety breaches, update the relevant procedure, and communicate the changes to colleagues
  • Investigate two (2) food safety complaints, implement appropriate corrective controls and communicate the changes to colleagues


  • Food Safety Plan
  • Incident Report

Theory assessment: A written assessment consisting of multiple-choice and short answer questions.

This course is delivered and assessed on behalf of Allens Training Pty Ltd RTO 90909